Questions and answers on the site of free photos for free downloading, image bank without registration
On the site, all the photos on the site are free and royalty-free. Thank you for sharing on your networks and talking about the site to your contacts.
There are no download limits, all photos are royalty free. Thank you for sharing on your networks and talking about the site to your contacts.
There is no subscription for the site, all the photos are free to download, our only income to maintain the site comes from advertising links.
The photos are free to download and free of rights, so you can use the photos from free photos .com for a professional presentation or to illustrate a file.
The photos on the site are free to download and free of rights, so you can use them for a wedding invitation, an invitation for a birthday, use them for a license or master's thesis, or to decorate a shop window.
New photos are constantly added to the site so that you can find the visual that suits you.
Anyone can access and use the site. Whether it is a student for his internship reports, employees for the presentation of a report, the management of a company for the presentation of annual figures and balance sheets, or any other person in a private capacity who would like to make a birthday, or an invitation card for example.
There are already about twenty categories on the site, but it is quite possible that new categories will be added according to photos and requests.
It is perfectly impossible to answer this question, because the answer right away is already no longer correct. Indeed, new images are added daily to the site. The only notion of quantity is to tell you that there are several thousand photos on the site.
¿Cuántas fotos hay en el sitio
Es perfectamente imposible responder a esta pregunta, porque la respuesta inmediata ya no es correcta. De hecho, diariamente se agregan nuevas imágenes al sitio. La única noción de cantidad es decirle que hay varios miles de fotos en el sitio.
For now, the site only offers photos. The availability of short videos will perhaps be an evolution of the site in the future.
¿Hay videos disponibles en el sitio?
Por ahora, el sitio solo ofrece fotos. La disponibilidad de videos cortos quizás sea una evolución del sitio en el futuro.
Sometimes the images leave the impression, when they are in the lists presented (in the lists of categories or in the list of search results) that they have a filter, but this is not the case.
It is in fact a compression of the images which is applied to allow a faster display. When you click on the image to see it alone, the effect disappears. It is the same on your computer when you have downloaded the image, it will be of high quality.
¿Por qué las imágenes a veces se ven filtradas?
A veces las imágenes dan la impresión, cuando están en las listas presentadas (en las listas de categorías o en la lista de resultados de búsqueda) de que tienen un filtro, pero no es así.
De hecho, es una compresión de las imágenes que se aplica para permitir una visualización más rápida. Cuando haces clic en la imagen para verla sola, el efecto desaparece. Es lo mismo en tu computadora cuando hayas descargado la imagen, será de alta calidad.
The formats available on the site are as follows : jpg, png, and giff. Most of the images are in jpg format.
For now, the site only offers photos. The availability of short videos will perhaps be an evolution of the site in the future.
The site is entirely in two languages: French and English.
Some images or pages also have their translation into other languages to be able to respond to the greatest number of visitors.
¿El sitio funciona en inglés?
El sitio está íntegramente en dos idiomas: francés e inglés.
Algunas imágenes o páginas también cuentan con su traducción a otros idiomas para poder responder al mayor número de visitantes.